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E.P machinery company

Address:3205, Block A, Jinzhonghuan, Longhai Road, Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou

Tel: +8613633713237 +8613673361755

  • Q. What type of metal chips can be briquetted?

    A. Aluminum swarf/chips Steel swarf/chips Stainless Steel swarf/chips Brass swarf/chips Titanium swarf/chips Cast Iron swarf/chips Copper swarf/chips Nickel swarf/chips.

  • Q. Can my material be briquetted?

    A. All kinds of material can be briquette. But you have to choose the right briquette making machine to get a proper cost on investment and running.

  • Q. What is the benefit I can get from making briquette?

    A. Briquette is a way to recycle materials for energy saving and environment protection. The renewable system makes recycling value from the waste. A briquetting system is the significant volume of waste reduction and the immediate savings in disposal cost.

  • Q. Do I need a briquette machine?

    A. Briquette helps you to reduce the cost for storage of particle material, makes your bulk material with high density for the next step usage, you can check the briquette with wikipedia, if the briquette is useful for, you will need a briquette machine.

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